Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Discussion boards in school

I am going to comment on the use of discussion boards in schools and how useful they can be.

Would the children be able to use them effectively? I find it useful although there is somethimes too much to be able to look at what everyone is saying, and I think children would find this very overwhelming and might be out off using the board if there is too much going on - at school I think the format would need to be simplified for children to find them useful.

However, I would be happy to introduce them to a class of children competant on computers. I would explain to the parents what this would involve as I feel parents can sometimes be nervous of their children writing on the internet as they may not be fully aware of how the information is shared.

Children would be able to comment on the topics being covered in school and develop their own discussions through this will can be rewarding and will help in their understanding.

1 comment:

The Python said...

You might be surprised at how capable children are when it comes to DBs.